Open 3D Stream: Unreal

This document describes how to add the Open3dStream plugin to an unreal project.


  1. Download the latest release from
  2. If you do not have a “Source” folder in your project, add c++ class (any class)
  3. Enable the live link plugin
  4. Create a “Plugins” folder in your project if it doesn’t exist
  5. Add the O3DS plugin to your project
  6. Launch the Project and build the plugin.
  7. Add an Open3dStream source to live link, and specify the url you want to connect to.

Adding a C++ class

Unreal will not compile plugin code if there has not been any code added to the main project. You can check to see if your project has code by looking in the “Source” folder. There should be two files in there that end with “.Target.cs” and “EditorTarget.cs” as well as at least one .cpp file in one of the folders.

The easiest way to enable compiling is to add a c++ class to your project within the editor.

Click Add New in the content browser.
Select New C++ Class
You need some c++ code in your project, it doesn’t matter what the parent class is. Select Next.
Choose Create Class – the name of the class is not important

Enable the live link plugin

Select Edit -> Plugins

Search for “Live Link” – without the quotes and with a space between the words.

Enabling the live link plugin

Check the live link plugin and choose “Restart Now” to restart the editor.

Adding the plugin

Close the project if it is running, and create a “Plugin” folder at the root of your unreal project (next to “Content”, “Saved”…)

The “Plugins” folder should be at the root of the unreal project
The unreal plugin in the open 3d stream download

Launch Unreal

Now you should be able to launcch unreal editor.

Launching the unreal project

The first time you launch the project, it will ask you if you want to compile the code.

Build dialog

Add Open3dStream to Live Link

Open the live link pane. If this menu option is not avaiable you will need to add the live link plugin and restart.

Window -> Live Link

Add the Open3dStream source, and provide the url you want to connect to. The url needs to be in the form tcp://address:port